Sunday, May 13, 2012

[Smells Like News] Robert Pattinson Talks Movie Roles, Testicles in Premiere

In his next movie, fans of Robert Pattinson will see this actor like never before. Seriously, watch this Cosmopolis trailer to see what we mean.

The same can be said, meanwhile, for shots of R. Patt in this month's special Cannes-based issue of Parade. Don't believe us? Feast your eyes on the following photos:

Robert Pattinson in Parade

Robert Pattinson Parade CoverDouble Robert Pattinson

Pattinson tells the publication that working with director David Cronenberg has had a profound effect on his career.

“Filming Cosmopolis with David changed something in me." Rob says. "It gave me balls. I have five projects lined up right now that follow the path that movie opened for me. Before, I spent my time doubting myself. As soon as I read a script that I liked, I was working myself up, asking myself if I was good enough. Now, I tell myself: ‘F-ck it! If they want to hire you, go!”

And hire him they have: Pattinson has signed on to star in Mission: Blacklist as a soldier who helps bring down Suddam Hussein. It's based on a true story.

Cosmopolis, meanwhile, makes its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival later this month.

Posted By sysop to Smells Like News at 5/13/2012 08:08:00 PM

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